IMiin Ng

My name is Miin and I am a National Association of Sport Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist and Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA) Certified Barefoot Training Specialist.



I was bound by a desk job for many years.

I wouldn’t say my lifestyle was sedentary – despite my long working hours, I still hit the gym 3-4 times per week, doing both weight and cardio training. I also trained Muay Thai, running and dancing. However, my efforts to lead a more active lifestyle could not mitigate the injuries caused by a bad posture and structurally flat feet. Neck and upper-back stiffness, hamstring strain, low-back pain – all these were exacerbated by extended periods of sitting in front of the computer. Doing the exercises I did only made the problems worse due to already existing muscle imbalances!
Back then, I never knew the biomechanic causes of my injuries and how dangerous the situation was – the fact that if you leave a low-back pain unattended, it could potentially lead to disc degenerating or a chance of slipped disc/ disc herniation.
I was going through the same thing as many of you.
I’d been to orthopedics, chiropractors, traditional Chinese sinseh, physiotherapists and even an osteopath. So much money was spent on these consultations yet conditions didn’t fully recover.

I was actively seeking answers on how to release the perpetual pain I constantly endured to perform basic functional activities like walking, going down the staircase, sitting and more.

The turning point
Against all odds, I gave up a high-flying advertising job to pursue my passion in fitness and to help others achieve a better version of themselves while it motivates me on my journey.

I was offered a stint at an international fitness club as a fitness trainer. Two months later, I had to stop due to an agitated five-time operated knee. The operations happened because I was told that I have meniscus and cartilage tears. It was truly frustrating to go for one operation after another throughout the years and the knee pain kept coming back.

My surgeon practically banned me from doing this job but I wasn’t giving up just yet!


The exercises that I was doing could either harm me further or improve my conditions. Most training programs often do not address muscle imbalances and could cause degenerative changes to articular cartilage, tendons and our overall musculoskeletal systems. I needed to get back into ‘shape’, not from a superficial standpoint, but one of kinetic chain movement efficiency. In other words, to walk and move with zero pain.

I further enhanced my health and fitness professional credentials and became certified by the National Association of Sport Medicine (NASM) as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and EBFA Barefoot Training Specialist! It was truly life changing to find out the root cause of my issues and to be able to find a solution once and for all.

With continuous education and training corrective exercise, I have achieved a balanced posture; no more forward head and rounded shoulders that gave me upper back pain, improved flat foot condition to attain a higher foot arch without orthotics and decreased anterior pelvic tilt that greatly eliminates low back and knee pain. I could run, jump and continue with other sports without pain.


"Having gone through these problems, I knew that it wasn’t enough to only be active."


With more than 15 years of experience, my goal is to help you ‘reset’ your body, and I hope that sharing my knowledge, experiences and workout programs may help those of you who suffer the same problems regain the confidence to move pain-free again.

“A healthy body leads to a healthy mind!”
Much love,
I Miin